The focus of this session is the newly delivered mother, their thoughts as new mothers, and their adjustment to motherhood.

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Who can attend?

Our mental health classes are open to all expectant or new mothers, as well as their partners and supporters.

Content of the Class

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Why to attend?

Attending mental health classes can be extremely beneficial for pregnant or newly delivered mothers. These classes can help women to navigate the emotional and psychological challenges that often come with pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn. Here are some reasons why a pregnant or newly delivered mother should attend mental health classes:

Importance of Self-care: One of the most important reasons for attending mental health classes is to learn about self-care. Pregnancy and caring for a newborn can be exhausting, and it’s important for mothers to take care of themselves physically and mentally. Mental health classes can teach women about the importance of self-care, including strategies for managing stress, getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding time for relaxation and self-care activities.

Regulating Emotions: Pregnancy and childbirth can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and it’s common for women to experience mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Mental health classes can provide strategies for regulating emotions and coping with the ups and downs of pregnancy and postpartum. This can help mothers to feel more grounded and confident in their ability to handle the challenges of motherhood.

Bonding with Baby: Mental health classes can also provide guidance on how to bond with a new baby. Many mothers struggle with feelings of disconnection or anxiety around their ability to connect with their baby. Mental health classes can offer tips on how to promote bonding through skin-to-skin contact, eye contact, and other nurturing activities.

Relationship Partner: Pregnancy and postpartum can put a strain on relationships, and it’s important for mothers to have support from their partner. Mental health classes can offer direction on how to communicate effectively with a partner and how to work together as a team to care for a new baby.

Family Support: In addition to partner support, mental health classes can also provide guidance on how to engage with family members who may be helping with the care of the baby. This can help mothers to build a support system and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to caring for the baby.

Attending mental health classes can be incredibly helpful for women who are expecting or have just given birth.

These classes can provide guidance on self-care, regulating emotions, bonding with the baby, and building supportive relationships with partners and family members.

Testimonials Breastfeeding Class
