
When to approach me for Lactation Consultation

Breast pain, mastitis, sore nipples, blocked ducts, and painful breastfeeding
Concerns regarding the baby's weight gain or being advised to use formula as a supplement
Apprehension brought on by a negative breastfeeding encounter with a previous child
Concerns about the potential effects of health conditions like diabetes, thyroid disease, and others on breastfeeding
Concerns with breastfeeding, including inverted nipples or a lack of milk supply
Seeking a tongue-tie assessment, a referral, and assistance with breastfeeding
Baby's tongue tie has been released, but breastfeeding difficulties continue
Having difficulty choosing a pump, choosing a bottle, storing milk, going back to work, and incorporating pumping and feeding into a routine.
Need assistance in weaning preparation and in stopping breastfeeding.
Attempting to re-establish milk supply after stopping breastfeeding for personal or medical reasons.
Breastfeeding premature infants, infants with oral anomalies, and infants with congenital illnesses.

Why to take help from Lactation Consultant?

As a lactation consultant, I understand the challenges that new mothers face when it comes to breastfeeding their newborns. While breastfeeding is a natural process, it doesn’t always come easily or naturally for every mother and baby. This is where the guidance of a lactation consultant can be incredibly helpful. Here are some of the benefits of seeking the help of a lactation consultant:

Proper latching: One of the most crucial aspects of breastfeeding is getting the baby to latch correctly. A lactation consultant can help you achieve this by showing you the proper technique and ensuring that your baby is positioned correctly.

Increase milk supply: Some mothers may struggle with producing enough milk for their baby. A lactation consultant can provide guidance on how to increase milk supply, such as using breast pumps and nursing frequently.

Overcoming breastfeeding challenges: Breastfeeding can be challenging for many reasons, such as nipple pain, engorgement, and mastitis. A lactation consultant can offer advice and techniques to help overcome these challenges and make breastfeeding more comfortable.

Boost confidence: Breastfeeding can be overwhelming, and many new mothers may feel unsure if they are doing it correctly. A lactation consultant can provide reassurance and support, helping new moms to feel more confident in their abilities.

Personalized care: Every mother and baby are unique, and a lactation consultant can provide personalized care and support tailored to your specific needs.

Prevent breastfeeding issues: A lactation consultant can provide guidance on how to prevent common breastfeeding issues such as plugged ducts and mastitis, ensuring that you have a positive breastfeeding experience.

Overall, a lactation consultant can be an invaluable resource for new mothers who want to breastfeed their babies. With their guidance and support, you can overcome any challenges and enjoy a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding journey.
