Online breastfeeding class for pregnant and new mother. This class helps expecting and newly delivered mothers to start breastfeeding in a right way

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Who can attend?

Our breastfeeding classes are open to anyone who is pregnant or intends to become pregnant, as well as their parents and supporters.

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Why to attend?

Attending a breastfeeding class during pregnancy can be very beneficial for a pregnant mother. Here’s why:

Breastfeeding is neglected during pregnancy: Unfortunately, many mothers-to-be do not receive enough information about breastfeeding during their pregnancy. As a result, they may not know what to expect or how to prepare for breastfeeding once their baby is born.

Breastfeeding is not considered an important factor in the postpartum period: Even when mothers are given information about breastfeeding during pregnancy, it is often not emphasized enough. Breastfeeding is a crucial factor in the postpartum period, and it requires significant attention and support.

Breastfeeding may be difficult: While breastfeeding is natural, it is not always easy. Many mothers experience challenges, such as pain, difficulty latching, low milk supply, or other issues. Attending a breastfeeding class can help mothers learn how to overcome these challenges and provide the best possible care for their newborn.

Attending a breastfeeding class during pregnancy can be an essential step for a mother who wants to provide her baby with the best possible start in life. By learning about the benefits of breastfeeding, how to prepare for breastfeeding, and how to overcome challenges, mothers can set themselves up for success and enjoy a fulfilling breastfeeding experience.

A newly delivered mother should attend a breastfeeding class for several reasons. Firstly, there are often inconsistent breastfeeding advice from various sources, including family, friends, and the internet. Attending a breastfeeding class can provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and help clear up any confusion or conflicting advice.

Testimonials Breastfeeding Class
